Friday, May 22, 2020
Super Sized Communication Essay - 576 Words
Messages distributed by institutions such as the media have the potential to reach very large and anonymous audiences in a process called mass communication. In the movie Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock documents a month of eating McDonalds, only to prove how food media affects the way Americans are living extremely unhealthy lives. According to The Mediated Communication Process (modified Westley-MacLean model) communication starts with an event, which in this case is the two teenage girls that decided to sue McDonalds for their obesity, then there are sources, a message, a communicator, another message and then the audience. There really are people in our country that are suing a food company for making them fat. This is the†¦show more content†¦What kind of message is the food industry sending when one-fourth of the McDonalds in Manhattan dont have any nutritional information whatsoever? On the streets of New York random people were asked what a calorie was and not one person could define the word a calorie is the measure of the energy content in food. Wouldnt it be wise of the food industry to inform people of this information rather than to just post the nutrition facts on the side of a box? It is a form of media literacy when next to the picture of a salad they write healthy when in reality McDonalds salads are less healthy than a quarter pounder. Morgan Spurlock is the communicator in this process. Through the world of entertainment he decided that he should let America know how we are eating. His way of distributing the message was to create this documentary on McDonalds. The communicator analyzes the information and passes on a version of it to the audience. The message that Morgan Spurlock is sending out is more a form of infotainment, a blur of information and entertainment. America is the audience and we are the ones that eventually have to decide how we want our nation to live. Due to semantic noise everyone can and will view this movie differently, but as long as we realize that we are overweight, than we have made a step in the right direction. After people view this movie some will react with banning McDonalds from theirShow MoreRelatedSg Cowen Case1010 Words  | 5 PagesB-school visits and info sessions, followed by campus interviews in closed sessions1 . If selected for the final round, candidates are invited to Super Saturday where the associates class will be selected. Its an exhausting experience for candidates and the interviewers. The day consists of a formal dinner with leadership the night before where candidates are sized up, even in a non-business setting2. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Rene Magritte And Victor Brauner - 884 Words
The two artworks I have chosen to discuss in this paper are 3-D sculptures of two renowned artists. These surrealists of two amazing sculptures are Rene Magritte and Victor Brauner. Both of their artworks are located at The Menil Collection, Houston TX. These in the round sculptures are entitled Megalomania (La folie des grandeurs) and Sign (Signe). First, Rene Magritte’s medium on his Megalomania masterpiece is bronze. It was sculpted in 1967, and the size of this artwork is 61 x 48 x 32 3/8 inches (Menil). Similarly, Victor Brauner’s medium on his Sign artwork is gilded bronze. The artwork was beautifully crafted as well in 1945 and casted in 1961. The size of this artwork is 12 1/2 x 5 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches (Menil). As I go on, I will†¦show more content†¦Moreover, the shapes of both sculptures are organic and 3D with substantial mass. Furthermore, the Megalomania shows an asymmetrical balance, while the Sign shows a symmetrical balance. Moving to the cultural context of both artworks, both artists influences are tied back to their roots. Thus, Rene Magritte who was born in Belgium (Encyclopedia Britannica) has great influences of his mother. The sculpture of Megalomania is tied to his mother’s influence, for it is representing a woman’s body. Some of his artworks subjects are women. On the other hand, Victor Brauner was born in Romania. Brauner was active in an avant-garde movement in Romania which deeply influences his artwork such as the Sign (Wikiart). The era or the time of creation of these artworks are not far distant from each other. The Megalomania was created in 1967, and the Sign was created in 1945. During those years, surrealism was then practiced by many artists. This movement was introduced in the 20th century, specifically in the early 1920s ( Based on my direct observation, both sculptures exemplify the era of surrealism. Thus, Magritte and Brauner at that time had to explore this form of art as well. Meanwhile, these two in the round sculptures have similarities and differences. The similarities of the two sculptures are the following: both medium are bronze, both artistic styles are surreal, both have smooth textures, both shapes show 3D aspects, and both artists
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi Free Essays
Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi COM 249-004 9/25/12 An Annotated Bibliography 1. Romer, D. , Jamieson, K. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi or any similar topic only for you Order Now H. , Aday, S. (2003). Television News and the Cultivation of Fear of Crime. Journal of Communication, 53, 88-104. This article goes into detail about how the public believes that violent crime is a widespread national problem in the US despite the declining trends in crime. The authors have a hypothesis that fear of crime is in part a by-product of exposure to crime-saturated local television news. Cultivation Theory is used to suggest that fear of crime is fueled in part by heavy exposure to violent dramatic programming on television. Exploration of a related hypothesis indicates that the Cultivation Theory’s predicted effects of television on the public are true. The authors use national surveys to support their research. 2. Lee, C. , Niederdeppe, J. (2011). Genre-Specific Cultivation Effects: Lagged Associations Between Overall TV Viewing, Local TV News Viewing, and Fatalistic Beliefs About Cancer Prevention. Communication Research, 38, 731-753. This article incorporates recent studies that have found that exposure to local television newscasts is associated with a variety of problematic â€Å"real-world†beliefs. These studies were controlled for a variety of demographic characteristics and media use variables. A two-wave national representative survey is analyzed to know the correlation between local TV news viewing and fatalistic beliefs about cancer. Analyses provide evidence that local TV news viewing predicts increased fatalistic beliefs about cancer. 3. Kahlor, L. , Eastin, M. S. (2011). Television’s Role in the Culture of Violence Toward Women: A Study of Television Viewing and the Cultivation of Rape Myth Acceptance in the United States. Journal of Broadcasting Electronic Media, 55, 215-231 This article approaches cultivation from a feminist prospective that recognized television as a source of cultural norms embedded in a culture of violence towards women. Results show that general television consumption significantly relates to rape myth beliefs among men and women. Also, there is a negative relationship between crime-show viewing and rape myth cceptance. Crime-show viewing directly correlates to the overestimation of false rape accusations. 4. Morgan, M. , Shanahan, J. (2010). The State of Cultivation. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 54, 337-355. This article investigates television’s contributions to viewers’ conceptions of social reality. This article reviews the history of cultivation theory and takes stock of recent trend s within the field. Changing media is contributing to the future prospects for cultivation research. This article will mainly be used to introduce cultivation theory to the reader. . Appel, M. (2008). Fictional Narratives Cultivate Just-World Beliefs. Journal of Communication, 58, 62-83. This article identifies several misrepresentations on television and shows that the more television people watch, the more their beliefs correspond to the television world. Fictional narratives are believed to be powerful in changing audience beliefs. While local news is not fictional, many of the stories may not be local and can still change the beliefs of the local audience. The general amount of television viewing positively relates to mean-world and scary-world beliefs. How to cite Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi, Essay examples
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