Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Use of Statistics Symbolic Data Analysis
Question: Expound on theUse of Statisticsfor Symbolic Data Analysis. Answer: Presentation Measurements is a scientific branch that is profoundly utilized in the powerful introduction of information for simple comprehension and translation. It is critical to pick the best measurable standard to speak to the information to guarantee that the planned data is given the to the objective people. Now and again, information may be spoken to in a way that conveys various thoughts from the set target (Hahn and Doganaksoy, 2011). Initially, the information and the related measurements should be comprehended before choosing the most relevant factual devices to utilize. Table and outlines are among the most utilized information portrayal instruments in the field of measurements (Charles Henry, 2016). These instruments are utilized in introducing the information to facilitate crafted by understanding to the people who can't characterize insights showed in an exposition group. Likewise, apparatuses like diagrams and pie graph lessen information equivocalness by legitimately partner the factors or factors to their proportional loads. Body The initial phase in managing information is information depicting which portray the wellspring of the information and how it was acquired. Information can be procured by utilization of essential, for example, the utilization of polls or another advanced gathering measure. As a rule, auxiliary information is tenable for considers that need to cover bigger limits. For our situation, deciding the national development in GDP and retail exchange needs an enormous information that can be utilized in summing up the data all through the nation. The subsequent methodology is to comprehend the information type and sizes of estimations. A variable can be ceaseless or unmitigated, subsequently deciding the investigative technique to be utilized. In the business world, information is in the most case introduced in money related esteem and can be changed into rate structures relying upon the reference focuses, for example, the base sums (Francis, 2009). Giving the information outlines is a critical advance in the information examination and report writing to guarantee that the discoveries are conveyed to the focused on people. Synopses and introductions improve the degrees of comprehension of the center point of the exploration or assessment. These synopses can be introduced in an even structure, with pertinent insights being related with the factors. A portion of the insights that portrays the information viably incorporate the proportions of focal propensity and scattering. These incorporate importance, middle, mode, standard deviation, fluctuation, range and standard blunder. These unmistakable insights can be utilized in creating certainty spans that are utilized in testing speculations. Point assessing is likewise used to contrast the current circumstance with the perceptions accomplished from the examination investigation. In view of the monetary update article, pie diagrams and table could be utilized to introduce the gave measurements in a progressively moral way. For example, the absolute spending of 69% for family and 31% for retail could be spoken to in a pie diagram as demonstrated as follows (Billard and Diday, 2006). Utilizing these insights, the likelihood of having a similar situation being knowledgeable about the following year would be founded on the perceptions. For example, the possibility of having retail spending being 31% rate in the following year would be high. Likewise, if the information is gathered at least inclinations, the information can be summed up into different regions of the nation's economy (Ward, 2010). The portrayal of the rates could have been postponed dependent on the genuine qualities so the perfect change can be envisioned. Utilizing rates probably won't demonstrate the genuine image of the change that has been experienced. For example, food deals rose by 0.2% and this may be believed to be a little change for the deal. Likely, the change was huge, subsequently making an obvious change to the market. A measurable procedure in testing whether the expansion was critical could be utilized to check if the ascent in food deals were sufficiently large to show a change (Kamath, 2009). It has been expressed that Chinas voyagers contribute up to 16% of the spending. It would be a lot of useful to remember the other primary patrons for the national spending to build up an oversight of the principle benefactors. Speculation testing could have been utilized in this article to decide and demonstrates the centrality of the adjustments in deals and uses of the economy. It would be a lot of v iable if the creator would have clarified if the progressions are reasonable or they are unimportance (Graham, 2011). End In synopsis, it is significant for any creator or information investigator ought to comprehend the kind of information and the related information types. This data will improve the adequacy of examination and introduction of the information. Picking the best factual apparatuses is a decent model to guarantee that the best data about the information is introduced to the objective populace. These devices additionally make it simple and for the perusers and clients of the articles. At last, utilization of inductions and theory testing are compelling apparatuses in deciding the viability of the outcomes got in the examination (Sedgwick, 2010). Along these lines, it would have been exceptional if the writer utilized these factual devices in the article. References Billard, L. what's more, Diday, E. (2006). Representative information investigation. first ed. Chichester, England: John Wiley Sons Inc. Charles Henry, B. (2016). Understanding Basic Statistics. first ed. Cengage Learning. Francis (2009). Successful Use of Numbers and Statistics. Acta Chirurgica Belgica, 109(3), pp.275-275. Graham, A. (2011). Measurements. first ed. London: Hodder Education. Hahn, G. what's more, Doganaksoy, N. (2011). The Role of Statistics in Business and Industry. first ed. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Kamath, C. (2009). Application-Driven Data Analysis. Measurable Analysis and Data Mining, 1(5), pp.285-285. Sedgwick, P. (2010). Measurable speculation testing. BMJ, 340(apr21 1), pp.c2059-c2059. Ward, J. (2010). BIRT 2.6 information examination and detailing. first ed. Birmingham, UK: Packt Pub.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Vocabulary Game for English Language Learners (ELL students) Essay
Jargon Game for English Language Learners (ELL understudies) - Essay Example The game in this introduction is one that centers around the utilization of relational words and descriptors. This experience can be identified with what I have found out about ELL and how they interface with material just as the advantages of eye to eye cooperation. It additionally identifies with things like the improvement of proficiency. â€Å"There is a developing worry over the capacity of the instructive framework to address the issues of the undeniably different multiethnic, multilingual study hall. Noticeable among these necessities is the obtaining of education abilities. Lately, specialists have started to challenge oversimplified thoughts about the advancement of English as a Second Language (ESL)1 education skills†(Geva, 2000). The game is fundamentally a variety of tic-tac-toe. Most understudies, even those from different nations, know about tic-tac-toe, and on the off chance that they are not, it doesn't take long for the educator to clarify it, and for them to get on during play. The game starts with the educator utilizing a whiteboard and marker to draw the tic-tac-toe framework. In each square of the network, a relational word and descriptive word are put, with the â€Å"to be†action word included where fundamental. For instance, in the first round, the network might be â€Å"be apprehensive of,†â€Å"vote for,†â€Å"be sure in,†â€Å"be wedded to,†â€Å"take from,†â€Å"fight for,†â€Å"dream about,†and so on., with one expression in each square. The understudies at that point pair into twos. One understudy is X; the other is O. The understudies alternate utilizing the relational word and descriptive word in their own model, to get the sq uare. At the point when the game is finished, the triumphant understudy can play the following understudy up, in a cooperative effort, if important. On the off chance that there is no victor in the tic-tac-toe game, the instructor should proceed onward to another gathering of two understudies. By and large, this is an increasingly powerful game to play in classes of ten or less understudies, since this still
Sunday, August 2, 2020
My Time at Illinois in Photos
My Time at Illinois in Photos Im graduating. Im graduating in four days. And Im really excited because Nick Offerman is our Commencement speaker, and for a whole host of other reasons that have to do with that fact that Im about to earn a college degree! When college is at its most brutal, its hard to imagine getting to this point, so Im trying my best to enjoy the weather and the sights these last few days. Its been a crazy, brilliant, too-speedy-quick four years. Heres my time at Illinois (in a handful of photos): Jarlings is my favorite ice cream place in Champaign. Hit up a friend with a car or hop a bus and make the trip. Its worth it, if only for the lemon custard. A photo from summer 2016 at Japan House. Thats my good friend Taylor. We both spent a (very fun) summer here in Champaign-Urbana, working and exploring the area. Taken my first day of class this year in front of the Illini Union! SERIOUSLY feels like just yesterday. A throwback to freshman year, when I spent way too much time napping in the Illini Union. Public napping: a staple of college life. My actual Day 1, Megan. Megan and I met the first day of Allen Hall Orientation, and we cant seem to shake each other. Weve also been roommates for the past three years. I love her with all my heart! This is a pic from freshman year, too (you can tell from the lanyard around my neck). Two of my faves: the Admissions and Records Building (where Ive been Editorial Intern for the past year) and Cracked. Thats a Plan B, a super tasty veggie wrap. Andrew Bird is one of my favorite singer/songwriters, and he came to Canopy Club, a music venue that is located literally on campus. He was fantastic, and my friends and I even nabbed front row. Wandering through Rome (note the tiny, European car) in December 2015, following a semester spent as an exchange student in England. My memories from studying abroad are some of my best from college. A photo I snapped of my boyfriend while we were studying together in the Main Librarys Reading Room (my favorite study spot) a few weeks ago. Austen and I also met in Allen Hall, and hes been my partner in crime these past two years! This isnt the last youll be hearing from me, so look out! Maggie Class of 2017 After starting my time at Illinois Undeclared in the Division of General Studies, I’m majoring in English and Economics with a minor in Informatics from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m from the relatively small town of Manhattan, Illinois.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Super Sized Communication Essay - 576 Words
Messages distributed by institutions such as the media have the potential to reach very large and anonymous audiences in a process called mass communication. In the movie Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock documents a month of eating McDonalds, only to prove how food media affects the way Americans are living extremely unhealthy lives. According to The Mediated Communication Process (modified Westley-MacLean model) communication starts with an event, which in this case is the two teenage girls that decided to sue McDonalds for their obesity, then there are sources, a message, a communicator, another message and then the audience. There really are people in our country that are suing a food company for making them fat. This is the†¦show more content†¦What kind of message is the food industry sending when one-fourth of the McDonalds in Manhattan dont have any nutritional information whatsoever? On the streets of New York random people were asked what a calorie was and not one person could define the word a calorie is the measure of the energy content in food. Wouldnt it be wise of the food industry to inform people of this information rather than to just post the nutrition facts on the side of a box? It is a form of media literacy when next to the picture of a salad they write healthy when in reality McDonalds salads are less healthy than a quarter pounder. Morgan Spurlock is the communicator in this process. Through the world of entertainment he decided that he should let America know how we are eating. His way of distributing the message was to create this documentary on McDonalds. The communicator analyzes the information and passes on a version of it to the audience. The message that Morgan Spurlock is sending out is more a form of infotainment, a blur of information and entertainment. America is the audience and we are the ones that eventually have to decide how we want our nation to live. Due to semantic noise everyone can and will view this movie differently, but as long as we realize that we are overweight, than we have made a step in the right direction. After people view this movie some will react with banning McDonalds from theirShow MoreRelatedSg Cowen Case1010 Words  | 5 PagesB-school visits and info sessions, followed by campus interviews in closed sessions1 . If selected for the final round, candidates are invited to Super Saturday where the associates class will be selected. Its an exhausting experience for candidates and the interviewers. The day consists of a formal dinner with leadership the night before where candidates are sized up, even in a non-business setting2. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Rene Magritte And Victor Brauner - 884 Words
The two artworks I have chosen to discuss in this paper are 3-D sculptures of two renowned artists. These surrealists of two amazing sculptures are Rene Magritte and Victor Brauner. Both of their artworks are located at The Menil Collection, Houston TX. These in the round sculptures are entitled Megalomania (La folie des grandeurs) and Sign (Signe). First, Rene Magritte’s medium on his Megalomania masterpiece is bronze. It was sculpted in 1967, and the size of this artwork is 61 x 48 x 32 3/8 inches (Menil). Similarly, Victor Brauner’s medium on his Sign artwork is gilded bronze. The artwork was beautifully crafted as well in 1945 and casted in 1961. The size of this artwork is 12 1/2 x 5 1/4 x 8 1/4 inches (Menil). As I go on, I will†¦show more content†¦Moreover, the shapes of both sculptures are organic and 3D with substantial mass. Furthermore, the Megalomania shows an asymmetrical balance, while the Sign shows a symmetrical balance. Moving to the cultural context of both artworks, both artists influences are tied back to their roots. Thus, Rene Magritte who was born in Belgium (Encyclopedia Britannica) has great influences of his mother. The sculpture of Megalomania is tied to his mother’s influence, for it is representing a woman’s body. Some of his artworks subjects are women. On the other hand, Victor Brauner was born in Romania. Brauner was active in an avant-garde movement in Romania which deeply influences his artwork such as the Sign (Wikiart). The era or the time of creation of these artworks are not far distant from each other. The Megalomania was created in 1967, and the Sign was created in 1945. During those years, surrealism was then practiced by many artists. This movement was introduced in the 20th century, specifically in the early 1920s (surrealism.org). Based on my direct observation, both sculptures exemplify the era of surrealism. Thus, Magritte and Brauner at that time had to explore this form of art as well. Meanwhile, these two in the round sculptures have similarities and differences. The similarities of the two sculptures are the following: both medium are bronze, both artistic styles are surreal, both have smooth textures, both shapes show 3D aspects, and both artists
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi Free Essays
Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi COM 249-004 9/25/12 An Annotated Bibliography 1. Romer, D. , Jamieson, K. We will write a custom essay sample on Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi or any similar topic only for you Order Now H. , Aday, S. (2003). Television News and the Cultivation of Fear of Crime. Journal of Communication, 53, 88-104. This article goes into detail about how the public believes that violent crime is a widespread national problem in the US despite the declining trends in crime. The authors have a hypothesis that fear of crime is in part a by-product of exposure to crime-saturated local television news. Cultivation Theory is used to suggest that fear of crime is fueled in part by heavy exposure to violent dramatic programming on television. Exploration of a related hypothesis indicates that the Cultivation Theory’s predicted effects of television on the public are true. The authors use national surveys to support their research. 2. Lee, C. , Niederdeppe, J. (2011). Genre-Specific Cultivation Effects: Lagged Associations Between Overall TV Viewing, Local TV News Viewing, and Fatalistic Beliefs About Cancer Prevention. Communication Research, 38, 731-753. This article incorporates recent studies that have found that exposure to local television newscasts is associated with a variety of problematic â€Å"real-world†beliefs. These studies were controlled for a variety of demographic characteristics and media use variables. A two-wave national representative survey is analyzed to know the correlation between local TV news viewing and fatalistic beliefs about cancer. Analyses provide evidence that local TV news viewing predicts increased fatalistic beliefs about cancer. 3. Kahlor, L. , Eastin, M. S. (2011). Television’s Role in the Culture of Violence Toward Women: A Study of Television Viewing and the Cultivation of Rape Myth Acceptance in the United States. Journal of Broadcasting Electronic Media, 55, 215-231 This article approaches cultivation from a feminist prospective that recognized television as a source of cultural norms embedded in a culture of violence towards women. Results show that general television consumption significantly relates to rape myth beliefs among men and women. Also, there is a negative relationship between crime-show viewing and rape myth cceptance. Crime-show viewing directly correlates to the overestimation of false rape accusations. 4. Morgan, M. , Shanahan, J. (2010). The State of Cultivation. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 54, 337-355. This article investigates television’s contributions to viewers’ conceptions of social reality. This article reviews the history of cultivation theory and takes stock of recent trend s within the field. Changing media is contributing to the future prospects for cultivation research. This article will mainly be used to introduce cultivation theory to the reader. . Appel, M. (2008). Fictional Narratives Cultivate Just-World Beliefs. Journal of Communication, 58, 62-83. This article identifies several misrepresentations on television and shows that the more television people watch, the more their beliefs correspond to the television world. Fictional narratives are believed to be powerful in changing audience beliefs. While local news is not fictional, many of the stories may not be local and can still change the beliefs of the local audience. The general amount of television viewing positively relates to mean-world and scary-world beliefs. How to cite Cultivation Theory Local News Ryan Phillippi, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Lockes Government Essays (1461 words) - Sovereignty,
Locke's Government The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, and The Second Treatise on Civil Government by John Locke, are two similar works. Locke's work seems to have had an influence on Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. Both works were written on government, what it should and should not be. Locke brings the view that the state exists to preserve the natural rights of its citizens. When governments fail in that task, citizens have the right--and sometimes the duty--to withdraw their support and event to rebel. Locke maintained that the state of nature was a happy and tolerant one, that the social contract preserved the preexistent natural rights of the individual to life, liberty, and property, and that the enjoyment of private rights-- the pursuit of happiness-- led, in civil society, to the common good. Locke's form of government is simple, yet confusing. Locke's government is broken down into four main areas, the State of Nature ( SN ), the State of War ( SW ), Civil Society ( CS ), and Political Society ( PS ). Locke begins by recognizing the differences between power, in general, and political power in particular. Locke believes political power to be, "the power of a magistrate over a subject." (2) The subject remains under the magistrates rule by choice. This brings about the State of Nature. The SN is a state of perfect freedom, no one is controlling others and no one is being controlled, everyone is equal. Locke comes to say that the only way someone can rule over us is if we let them. By doing this we are not abandoning our SN, but remaining in it. It is ones choice to let another preside over them. Our SN is threatened though because we do not have complete control, therefore we come into the State of War. Under SW we have taken away others SN or given up our own. For us to get it back we come into Civil Society. By lending out our SN we come together to protect it. We are given back our SN after it has been restored. We are no longer threatened by someone taking it away. The problem that arises is the fact that this is not a very solid solution. This leads to the Political Society. People agree to get together and establish a PC (AKA "government") The PC is responsible for protecting others. We are still in our State of Nature as we have lended it out, received it back and come to terms with others in arranging a Political Society. Locke is attempting to understand the proper relationship between a people and a government. Jefferson's ideas are very close to those of Lockes. Which proves Locke's work had an impact on him. The first major relationship between Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Locke's Second Treatise is that they both believe in the State of Nature and use it as the basis of their governments. The Declaration of Independence says that, "...and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..." (1) Locke believes this as, "...what state all men are naturally in, and that is a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit within the bounds of the Law of Nature..." ( 2 ) The Declaration of Independence is saying that when one set of politics is not working, that one must break away and start over again in the Law of Nature because this is truly the only way to go. For Locke, "The Sate of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it, which obliges everyone, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, liberty, or possessions." (2) Jefferson uses the Law of Nature as the highest government a society can achieve. This being everyone free, and in their State of Nature, yet under a government. Another similarity is how they explain their belief that all men are created equal. As the Declaration of Independence goes on Jefferson comes to say, "...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." ( 1 ) Both Jefferson and Locke believe that all men are created Lockes Government Essays (1461 words) - Sovereignty, Locke's Government The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, and The Second Treatise on Civil Government by John Locke, are two similar works. Locke's work seems to have had an influence on Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. Both works were written on government, what it should and should not be. Locke brings the view that the state exists to preserve the natural rights of its citizens. When governments fail in that task, citizens have the right--and sometimes the duty--to withdraw their support and event to rebel. Locke maintained that the state of nature was a happy and tolerant one, that the social contract preserved the preexistent natural rights of the individual to life, liberty, and property, and that the enjoyment of private rights-- the pursuit of happiness-- led, in civil society, to the common good. Locke's form of government is simple, yet confusing. Locke's government is broken down into four main areas, the State of Nature ( SN ), the State of War ( SW ), Civil Society ( CS ), and Political Society ( PS ). Locke begins by recognizing the differences between power, in general, and political power in particular. Locke believes political power to be, "the power of a magistrate over a subject." (2) The subject remains under the magistrates rule by choice. This brings about the State of Nature. The SN is a state of perfect freedom, no one is controlling others and no one is being controlled, everyone is equal. Locke comes to say that the only way someone can rule over us is if we let them. By doing this we are not abandoning our SN, but remaining in it. It is ones choice to let another preside over them. Our SN is threatened though because we do not have complete control, therefore we come into the State of War. Under SW we have taken away others SN or given up our own. For us to get it back we come into Civil Society. By lending out our SN we come together to protect it. We are given back our SN after it has been restored. We are no longer threatened by someone taking it away. The problem that arises is the fact that this is not a very solid solution. This leads to the Political Society. People agree to get together and establish a PC (AKA "government") The PC is responsible for protecting others. We are still in our State of Nature as we have lended it out, received it back and come to terms with others in arranging a Political Society. Locke is attempting to understand the proper relationship between a people and a government. Jefferson's ideas are very close to those of Lockes. Which proves Locke's work had an impact on him. The first major relationship between Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and Locke's Second Treatise is that they both believe in the State of Nature and use it as the basis of their governments. The Declaration of Independence says that, "...and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them..." (1) Locke believes this as, "...what state all men are naturally in, and that is a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit within the bounds of the Law of Nature..." ( 2 ) The Declaration of Independence is saying that when one set of politics is not working, that one must break away and start over again in the Law of Nature because this is truly the only way to go. For Locke, "The Sate of Nature has a law of Nature to govern it, which obliges everyone, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, liberty, or possessions." (2) Jefferson uses the Law of Nature as the highest government a society can achieve. This being everyone free, and in their State of Nature, yet under a government. Another similarity is how they explain their belief that all men are created equal. As the Declaration of Independence goes on Jefferson comes to say, "...that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." ( 1 ) Both Jefferson and Locke believe that all men are created
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Ethical Code of Conduct in the Modern Organizations
The Ethical Code of Conduct in the Modern Organizations Organizations in the modern world are so concerned with the constant need to improve performance that most of them have little time to work on the moral aspect of their decision making. However, each organization needs some form of standard behavior that all employees need to follow; without it the organization would run in to chaos and output will be hampered.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Ethical Code of Conduct in the Modern Organizations specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethical conduct therefore is the accepted behaviour within the organization or society at large. Each organization has different policies on ethics; however most of them are similar in nature. For example, coming to work on time is part of the ethical conduct of most organizations. The ethical culture of an organization can make or break its very foundation. Ethics is from the Greek word â€Å"ethos†meaning character or custom. This means that organizations should formulate a code of conduct that will be used in the day to day service to the society. Administrators view unethical behaviour as a tumor eating away on the fabric of society in many of the modern day organizations. It is observed that, the crisis of conduct is undermining the organizational competitive strength. A study carried out showed that employees accounted for a higher percentage of retail thefts than the customers (Silverstein, 1989). It also showed that, one in every fifteen employees steals from their employers. This happens because most organizations have left the standards that define organizational behaviour lying n the grey area. How can then administrators promote ethical culture in the organization? First, they should promote ethical consciousness in their organizations. This should have a trickledown effect on the employees in the lowest post. They should also formulate processes that will be used to back up and strengthen ethical b ehaviour. Philosophies of the administrators influence the working conditions of the various departments they hold. It is, therefore, important for them to have positive philosophies that will impact the organization and the employees in a positive and productive way. Managers who behave unethically unlike their ethical philosophies, present a limit to the ethical reasoning of the firm (Nielsen, 1989). This means that, the presence of ethical policies in an organization have less impact on the employees if they are not reinforced by the conduct of the managing officers. The basic management principle states that if you wish to have some behavior or outcome, then you should reinforce it.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In most cases, the administrator will avoid taking responsibility of punishing unethical behaviour for fear of defamation of character by the employe es. In addition to this, organizations should take upon themselves to provide ethical education to their employees, stressing on the positivity of having ethics in the work place. This can be achieved by allocating more resources to ethics training program. In cases where there is an ethics dilemma, employees should use a check-list that resembles the following: identify and clarify the dilemma, get all the possible facts, list options, put options under test to find out if they are legal, right, and beneficial; make decision and double check it, and then take action. The area of ethical problems has not been fully explored, which is why more research should be done on this. Furthermore organizations should formulate and ensure that their ethical code of conduct is positive and that it encourages or gives them a competitive advantage. References Nielsen, R. P. 1989. Changing unethical Organizational Behaviour. Academy of Management Executive 3(2), 123-130. Silverstein, S. 1989. One in 15 Employees in Study Caught Stealing. Los Angeles Times, p. D1.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Reciprocal and Reflexive Sentences in Spanish
Reciprocal and Reflexive Sentences in Spanish Understanding or translating reflexive or reciprocal sentences in Spanish where there are two or more subjects can be confusing because they can be ambiguous without qualifiers. Learn how these types of sentences are constructed and how to eliminate ambiguity in Spanish using two common phrases. Why There Can Be Ambiguity in Spanish Sentences First, let us define and expand upon what a reflexive sentence is. The pronoun se is commonly used (although it has many other uses as well) to indicate that a person is performing some type of action on or toward that person. For example, se ve can mean he sees himself and se hablaba can mean she was talking to herself. The confusion with reflexive sentences can come when the subject of such sentences is plural. See, for example, how the following Spanish sentences are ambiguous. Either of the translations given after the Spanish sentence is valid: Se ayudaron. (They helped themselves. They helped each other.)Se golpean. (They are hitting themselves. They are hitting each other.)Pablo y Molly se aman. (Pablo and Molly love themselves. Pablo and Molly love each other.) The same ambiguity can exist in the first and second persons as well: Nos daà ±amos. (We hurt ourselves. We hurt each other.)Nos amamos. (We love ourselves. We love each other.) ¿Os odiis? (Do you hate yourselves? Do you hate each other?) The problem occurs because in Spanish the plural reciprocal pronouns are the same as the reflexive pronouns; they are nos in the first person, os in the second person, and se in the third person. (Note that in Latin America os is seldom used, as se is typically used in both the second- and third-person plurals.) This is in contrast with English where the reflexive pronouns in the plural are ourselves, yourselves, and themselves- but the reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another. How To Clarify When Context Doesn’t Help Most of the time, the context of the sentence will make clear what meaning is intended. If the context does not help, there are two very common phrases that can be used to eliminate the ambiguity. First, the idiom a sà mismos is commonly used to indicate that a reflexive meaning is intended- in other words, that the subjects are acting on themselves rather than each other. For example: Se aman a sà mismos. (They love themselves.)No pueden verse a sà mismos. (They cant see themselves.)Es importante que nos escuchemos a sà mismos. (It is important that we listen to ourselves.) If all the persons involved are female, or if the names of all subjects are grammatically feminine, the feminine form a sà mismas should be used: Cà ³mo se perciben a sà mismas las mujeres con la infertilidad? (How do women with infertility perceive themselves?)Cuà dense a sà mismas. (Take care of yourselves.)Estas piernas robà ³ticas son capaces de enseà ±arse a sà mismas a andar. (These robotic legs are capable of teaching themselves to walk.) Second, the phrase el uno al otro, which can be literally translated as one to the other, is the rough equivalent of each other: No debemos hacernos eso el uno al otro. (We shouldnt do that to each other._Se golpean el uno al otro. (They are hitting each other.)El ordenador y el monitor se necesitan el uno al otro. )The computer and the monitor need each other.) ¿Os odiis el uno al otro? (Do you two hate each other?) El uno al otro can also be used in feminine and/or plural variations: Pablo y Molly se aman el uno a la otra. (Pablo and Molly love each other.)Se abrazaban la una a la otra. (The two females hugged each other._No se cuidan los unos a los otros. (They (multiple persons) dont take care of each other.) Key Takeaways Reflexive pronouns are used to indicate that two or more persons or things are acting on themselves, while reciprocal pronouns are used to indicate that two or more persons or things are acting on themselves.Although English has separate reflexive and reciprocal pronouns, in Spanish they are identical.Spanish can use the phrases a sà mismos (or a sà mismas) and el uno al otro (with variations for number and gender) to clarify reflexive and reciprocal verbs, respectively.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Amazon (Kindle Fire) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Amazon (Kindle Fire) - Research Paper Example In order for it to stay at the top in its sales, more needs to be done to obtain competitive advantage that is essential to get rid of any competition in the prospect. Comparing with the rest of the firms, Kind Fire presents a gap of about $300 for a similar commodity, thus, allowing customers to enjoy significant sales from its target markets. The gap exists because the other firms seek to sell their commodities at $499 while Kind Fire sells its commodity at $199. From the recent market results, Kind Fire has hit a sale of five million in the period terminating on December 2011 although Amazon has already resolved to stop working for this company. In comparison, the market leaders Apple Inc. sold at eleven million for their iPad in the last quarter, thus, presenting an undefeatable upper hand. According to the CEO of Amazon, the company aimed at realizing smaller profits from these devices although in its capacity as the retail company has resolved to dwell in smaller margins a fact ors that only few electronic firms would manage. Comparing to other firms, Kind Fire from Amazon Inc. has revealed excellent pricing strategies, through price elasticity in order, to keep sales high above most influential firms in the sector. According to most analysts, Amazon has not much interest in obtaining a gap in the tablet device market rather it views it as an opportunity to develop into the market for the digital world and make use of the vast opportunities that exist within the target market (Rohida 1). The firm has the chance to present its services to Kind Fire similar to their tests concerning the digital content. In order to realize these objectives, Kind Fire and Amazon have used price as the tool for entering into the market. Price is considered to determine the purchases that occur within the digital and electronic markets. With the emergence of Apple Inc. and other firms that market commodities such as the iPad, the world has presented demand for the commodity alt hough the prices do not favor the customers. Unless a marketer manages to offer his or her product an edge over the competitor’s commodity, only little sales can be realized. Therefore, marketers ought to give their firms an edge over the competitors in order to acquire competitive advantage that serves to augment the sales of firms that manage to establish one. Pricing strategies are offered on various grounds through consideration of different concepts such as the target market, demand, assortment of products offered and the commodity life cycle (Roth 2). Pricing strategies assists the marketer in realizing his or her pricing objective. Therefore, the pricing objective that a marketer prefers assists in the creation of the best pricing strategy. Both the pricing objectives and pricing strategies are guided by the business plan that a certain firm places in the business environment (Roth 2). Selection of a pricing objective precedes the determination of the best pricing stra tegy for the firm. Kindle Fire utilizes the penetration pricing strategy in which the firm seeks to obtain entry into the market environment, especially if there are other already established firms with a similar product. The aim of utilizing this pricing strategy is to attract customers into purchasing products from the new market entrant and improve the market share of that firm (Roth 5). In case the anticipated extents of the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Strategic management case study-skf case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Strategic management case study-skf case - Essay Example At such a point in time when the world has become a global village, and when companies need to put extra efforts to get noticed by the customer, it is important for a company to stay focused. SKF, the company which is the focus of this report, needs to maintain a consistency strategy when it comes to the future and what it aims to do with respect to the new decision that it has to make. SKF needs to maintain the strategy that they have been using till now, that is, to price their product at a premium price and play on value based selling, that is, they have designed and developed their product so well that it comes out to be one of the best in the industry and the perception that they have created in the eyes of the consumer is that of a premium product which cannot be easily replicated by any other company. It is important for companies to follow such a strategy in this clutter filled world, and where product differentiation can only be done in perceptions, and not in reality. SKF is thinking of changing its value based strategy to the strategy where it will compete on price and cater to the markets where price is an important factor. This will be a very wrong strategy for SKF, since till now, they have been premium priced and price was never a factor that they even considered. Customers came to SKF when they wanted true value for whatever money that they give. There will be value that will be reflected in the products that they receive. It was a win-win situation for both the consumers and the SKF Company. But this decision to change the strategy to compete on price would take the organization into a wrong direction, and they need to correct themselves as soon as possible. One of the first things that they need to remember is that there should be consistency in the strategy of a company, especially when the strategy has helped the company build the brand name that it has, and has helped it secure the
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Apollo 13
Apollo 13 Apollo 13 Apollo 13 is a film of year 1995 based on the ill fated Apollo13 lunar mission. The film is based on the book the lost moon by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger. The film was directed by Ron Howard. The film was a huge success as it was different from the common films released in those days and it was based on a true event during the space race. Story On July 20, 1969, astronaut Jim Lovell is at his home celebrating the Apollo 11 moon landing party. He tells his wife Marilyn that he wish if he could ever land on the moon after watching Neil Armstrongs historic first step steps on the moon. Lovell was expecting that he will fly Apollo 14 but after some time he is given a VIP tour of Apollo 13s massive Saturn v rocket is ready to be launched. Then Lovell is informed that he and his crew has been selected as prime crew of Apollo 13. after hearing the news, Lovell tells his family about his launch. Her wife was little tensed because it was not a journey on earth it was towards moon. Before launch Lovell is informed that Ken Mattingly is not coming on the mission with him, Lovell tries best to get him on the flight but he is unsuccessful in doing so. Ken is replaced by pilot Jack Swigert. Next day they are ready for the launch and finally they move on. After the launch the middle engine of Saturn v cuts off prematurely because of over heat but they enter into orbit without problem, after performing the burn which will send Apollo 13 to the moon, Swigert changes the Apollo command module odyssey to dock with the lunar module Aquarius. After three days of the mission, Swigert is asked to stir the cryogenic oxygen tanks, leading to explosion in service module. The crew got to know that there is problem with oxygen tank and they think to cancel their landing on the moon and shut down the odyssey and on up the Aquarius for saving their life. John Aaron on earth who is a flight controller specifically trained to deal with the electrical and communication system recruits the crew to restart odyssey but they shut down the odyssey and powers up Aquarius and are near moon, they see the moon near to them and Lovell gets depressed by this. As the crew has powered up the Aquarius, there is a problem again, to conserve power they have to shut down the Aquarius and stay in freezing cold. The environment gets scary in the crew and Swigert blame mission control centre for not letting them to find out the technical problem in the craft, but Haise blames the Swigert and calls him inexperienced. Argument arises between both but it i s soon cleared by Lovell. Aquarius is meant for two people only but it has to mange the carbon dioxide thrown by three men. An engineering team assembles at radio station Houston and makes a crude method of removing poisonous gas and air cleaners to be used in Aquarius. The space craft enters the earth atmosphere and the crew makes risky correction of igniting the decent engine of lunar module to avoid skipping off earths atmosphere. Haise is suffering from fever inside the cabin; the crew gets successful in righting their way to earth. There on earth Mattinglys team struggle to find out the way to power up the spacecraft as very little power is left, and finally he guides swigert to revive odyssey. The crew says good bye to Aquarius, the lunar module which saved their life is jettisoned, odyssey re enters the earths, and after four minutes of radio ionization blackout, three minutes normal reentry is there and crew reports that they are safe and well. There is celebration in the mission controls and the homes of crew members. After that spacecraft splashes in water, crew is taken out of water and taken to USS lwo jima for their welcome. Cast Tom hanks as jim lovell Bill Paxton as Fred Haise Kevin Bacon as Jack Swigert Gary Sinise as Ken Mattingly Ed Harris as Gene Kranz Kathleen Quinlan as Marilyn Lovell Jean Speagle Howard as Blanch Lovell About Ron Howard Ron Howard was born in Duncan, Oklahoma, the son of Jean Spiegel Howard, an actress, and Rance Howard, a director, writer, and actor. His family moved to Burbank, California in 1958, the year before his parents gave birth to his younger brother, Clint Howard. Howard graduated from John Burroughs High School, and later attended the University of Southern Californias School of Cinematic Arts but did not graduate. At age 23, Ron Howard had one of the most recognizable faces in America. His years on The Andy Griffith Show and Happy Days had made him familiar to millions of Americans. He had even directed episodes of Happy Days, but when he looked for feature film directing work, no one believed the young actor had what it took. Finally he made a deal with low-budget film legend Roger Corman: Howard would act in a film for Corman in exchange for the opportunity to direct. The result, Grand Theft Auto, succeeded beyond anyones expectations, and started Howard on his career as a feature film director.[ Rons films Rons films are nominated for Oscars several times but Cocoon, Apollo 13, how the grinch stole Christmas and a beautiful mind successfully won Oscar. As a director, Ron won Oscar for the best director in year 2002 for his intense film a beautiful mind. Ron has been always known for some different work in his own style. Recently he directed Frost/Nixon which was nominated for five Oscar awards in year 2008. And his Angels and Demons proved to be a great success on the box office in year 2009. Working style of Ron Ron generally works with renowned Hollywood actors Tom hanks and Russell Crowe. He made his recent two thriller films The Da Vinci code and Angels and Demons on the famous books written by Dan Brown. Ron is not only a director but he is a good actor also which he proved when he appeared in film at the age of just 18 months. His high visibility films make him different from other film directors of Hollywood. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Howard] Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan is an American war film which was released in year 1998 and has a plot of invasion of Normandy in World War ll. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg. The film reveals the truth about the Omaha beach assault of June 6, 1944. The film got a lot of appreciation and became one of the biggest hit in America as well as other countries also. Story The film begins with an elderly World war ll veteran and his family who visits the Normandy American Cemetery and memorial at colleville-sur-mer; Normandy, France. The veteran sits on his knees in front of grave and gets emotional, then suddenly scene changes to a Normandy invasion, with American soldiers landing on Omaha beach and having war with the Germans. One officer survived in initial landing John h miller, the commanding officer of C Company. He assembles a group of soldiers and slowly starts attacking the Germans, leading to the breakout from the beach. Meanwhile general of America comes to know that three out of four brothers of Ryan family has died but fourth son private first class James Francis Ryan of baker company, 506th parachute infantry regiment is missing in war somewhere in Normandy, and he orders to the Ryan should be sent home immediately. Miller receives the order from the general to find Ryan. He makes a team of six members and one man who speaks German and Fr ench. Miller do not have any information about the Ryan, where he is? But he and his team moves on to Neuville. Near border of Neuville they meet platoon 101st. after entering the city one member of millers team Adrian Caparzo get wound by sniper and dies there only. But the team locates Ryan from Minnesota but soon realize their mistake. Then they find member of Charlie Company, 506th, who informs that his drop zone was at Vierville. Then miller locates friend of Ryans, who tells him that Ryan is defending himself from strategically important bridge over the Merderet River in Ramelle. Miller starts moving towards Ramelle. On the way he decides to take position close to an abandoned radar station. The technician of the team Irwin wade of miller is wounded. The fifth grade Timothy E. Upham protest miller about letting the squad kill the German soldier. Miller decides to surrender himself in next allied patrol. The team loses their confidence in millers leadership. Then miller reveals his identity that he is an English teacher and high school base ball coach in Adley, Pennsylvania, then the team reunites. The squad finally arrives on the outskirts of Ramelle where they fight with German army and they find Ryan. Then American paratroopers join them in Ramelle. Miller informs Ryan about his brothers death and his mission to take him home. Ryan refuses to come back and demand that he want to defend the bridge against germens counterattack miller also helps him orders his unit to help in defending the bridge. The American soldiers are very low in number and Germans arrive in more quantity. Miller leads the defense but while attempt of blowing bridge he is shot by steamboat Willie. In the duration the American P-51 Mustang comes and destroys the German tanks and steamboats. Ryan survives with two more other team members. Miller is wounded very badly and in his last words he say to Ryan, James†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.earn this. Earn it. Back to the present day in graveyard the veteran is at millers grave and Ryan tells his wife that he was a good man and led a good life, Ryan salutes Miller and film ends. Cast Tom Hanks as Captain John H. Miller Tom Sizemore as Technical Sergeant Michael Mike Horvath Edward Burns as Private First Class Richard Reiben, a BAR gunner Jeremy Davies as Technician Fifth Grade Timothy E. Upham, a cartographer and interpreter Barry Pepper as Private Daniel Jackson, a marksman Adam Goldberg as Private Stanley Mellish, a rifleman Van Diesel as Private Adrian Caparzo, a rifleman Giovanni Ribisi as Technician Fourth Grade Irwin Wade, a medic Matt Damon as Private First Class James Francis Ryan, a paratrooper Steven Spielberg Steven Allan Spielberg was born on 18th December 1946 in Cincinnati. He is famous producer, director, and screenwriter. He is listed in the most powerful and influential personality in the world by motion picture industry and times listed him as one of the most important person in the world. One of the most acclaimed directors of the late 20th century; Steven Spielberg is an American icon. From Close Encounters to Schindlers List, Spielberg has never failed to amaze and delight his audience. At the age of 13 he won a contest with his 40 minute film, Escape to Nowhere. In 1963, at the age of 16, Spielberg produced the movie Firelight (which would later inspire Close Encounters). The movie made a $100 profit at the local movie theater. Although Spielberg attended California State University in Long Beach studying English, he couldnt get into a traditional film school. As with anything, Spielberg wasnt going to let that stop him. Spielbergs Films Steven has been nominated for six times for Academy awards for best director and he won for two films which are Schindlers list in 1993 and Saving Private Ryan in 1998. He directed and produced many successful films but his jaws (1975 ), raiders of the Lost ark ( 1981), Extra terrestrial ( 1982 ), The color purple ( 1985 ), Schindlers List ( 1993 ) [ win ], saving private Ryan ( 1998 ), munich ( 2005) and letters from lwo Jima ( 2006 ) were on the stage of Academy awards. Working style of Steven He often shows shooting stars in his films. He uses suns images in his films as a background in many scenes (Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), The Color Purple (1985), Empire of the Sun (1987), Saving Private Ryan (1998)). He uses piano as a main instrument in his films and he frequently shows children in some kind of danger in his film and introduces important characters through rear view mirror of the car. Generally cast Tom hanks, Richard Deryfuss, Harrison Ford, Frank Welker and Tom Cruise. Similarities between Apollo 13 and Saving Private Ryan Both of these films are based on real events of American history, saving Private Ryan shows the history of Omaha beach and Apollo 13 shows the truth about spacecraft of NASA which was sent in year 1969. Both the films are decorated by the acting of superstar Tom Hanks. He played lead character in both the films and has his own style of acting, but as we know that the two films are of two great directors in the world so half credit of Hanks performance will go to Steven and Ron. Both of these films are Oscar wining films for their different departments. Both the film has mission involved in them which is in concern with national departments. Differences Between Saving Private Ryan and Apollo 13 Apollo 13 is directed by Ron Howard and Saving Private Ryan is directed by Steven Spielberg, both films shows the different department of America, Apollo 13 shows the technical and science related department and saving Private Ryan is about the security department of America. Tom hanks character in both the films is totally different, in Apollo 13 he played the character of an astronaut and in saving private Ryan he is playing a soldier. Apollo 13 has a plot of 1969 while saving Private Ryan has plotting of year 1944 which reveals the conditions at the time of Second World War. Probable influence of Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan is a American war film which tells the story of Omaha beach and how the brave and wise soldier John H. Miller gave his life in saving the Ryan and his faith towards his nation and his work is seen, so by the character of miller one might get patriotic and get influenced by the his wise ness and bravery. The visual effects of the film were excellent as the film is directed by Steven Spielberg and he is known for high budget and glamorized film making. As the film is in the plot of 1944 so, giving the visual effects for the weapons and war pattern of that age is not easy at all and all upcoming students of visual effects should see the film and try to understand the technical part of film and it will surely help students in understanding that if they are working in any period film what kind of visual effects are used. Probable influence of Apollo 13 Apollo 13 is a film based on real event in the history of NASA. by hearing news we can just imagine that what might have been the situation in the spaceship when the engine Odyssey got heated up but Ron Howard has shown in the film the emotions inside the war craft and he not only made story strong but the technical stuff shown in the film is really fantastic and the visual effects of the film is amazing as they showed the characters in zero gravity and in space ship , these kind of effects were shown in the film which was released in 1995 and we can just imagine what creativity was required for the work of this film and the challenge was excepted by Ron Howard and is beautifully presented in front of audience. The team of the astronauts shows the patience and intelligence in such critical situation which gives a message that whatever happens in life one should stay cool and calm. Film might inspire some kids those who want to become the astronauts and may generate their interest mor e in this branch of science.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Rizal Life and Works
INTRODUCTIONRizal left Europe for Hong Kong, where he lived from November 1891 to June 1892. His reasons for leaving Europe were:life was unbearable in Europe because of his political differences with M.H. del Pilar and other Filipinos in Spain. to be near his idolized Philippines and family.FAREWELL TO EUROPERizal left Ghent for Paris on October 3, 1891He proceeded by train to Marseilles and on October 18, he boarded the steamer Melbourne bound for Hong Kong. He brought with him a letter of recommendation by Juan Luna for Manuel Camus, a compatriot living in Singapore, and 600 copies of the Fili Manuel Camus-During that time, he was a student and was made as a mason on October 12, 1898 at Zetland in the East Lodge No 508 in Singapore under the jurisdiction of the M. W. Grand Lodge of England. He then became a Senator of the Philippines on his later years. There were over 80 first class passengers – mostly Europeans, including 2 Spaniards He befriended many missionaries and on e of them is Fr. Fuchs, a Tyrolese, which he enjoyed playing chess with. He even wrote to Blumentritt saying: â€Å"..He is a fine fellow, a Father Damaso without pride and malice..†RIZAL AND THE GERMAN LADIESâ€Å"One evening at a dinner time the passengers were having their meal in the dining room. Rizal; being the only Asian, was eating alone at one table. Near him was a bigger table occupied by some German ladies who were gaily eating and gossiping about the lone Asian male who was quietly taking his meal. Rizal, who was fluent in German, understood what the talkative German ladies were saying about him, but he simply kept silent, letting the ladies enjoy their gossip.Suddenly the fast running steamer encountered a heavy squall and the door of the dining room was blown open. Nobody among the passengers who were busy eating stood up to close the door. A lady said to her companions in German : â€Å"If this man in front of us were a gentleman he would close the doorâ⠂¬ . Upon hearing her remark, Rizal, without saying a word, rose and closed the door, after which he resumed his seat. He then conversed with German ladies in perfect German. Of course, the German ladies were very much embarrassed, and, thereafter they treated Rizal with admiration and respect, despite his brown skin, for he was a cultured gentleman.†ARRIVED IN HONG KONGNovember 20, 1891 – Rizal arrived in Hong KongHe was welcomed by the Filipino residents, especially his old friend, Jose Ma. Basa. He then established his residence at No. 5 D’ Aguilar Street, No. 2 Rednaxola Terrace, where he also opened his medical clinic. December 1, 1891 – he wrote his parents asking their permission to return home. On the same date, his brother-in-law, Manuel T. Hidalgo, sent him a letter, relating the sad news of the â€Å"deportation of twenty-five persons from Calamba, including father, Neneng, Sisa, Lucia, Paciano, and the rest of us.†Also stated in his le tter that he was preparing a letter to the Queen Regent of Spain explaining the Calamba situation in order to secure justice. Even saying such as : â€Å"If the Queen will not listen, we will write to Queen Victoria of England appealing for protection in the name of humanity†¦Ã¢â‚¬ FAMILY REUNION IN HONG KONGBefore Christmas of 1891, he was gladdened by the arrival of his father, brother and Silvestre Ubaldo (his brother-in-law) in Hong Kong. Not long afterwards his mother and sisters Lucia, Josefa , and Trinidad also arrived. January 31, 1892 – he wrote to Blumentritt recounting their pleasant life in Hong Kong, as follows: â€Å"Here we are all living together, my parents, sisters, and brother in peace and far from persecutions they suffered in the Philippines. They are very much pleased with the English government.†OPHTHALMIC SURGEON IN HONG KONGDr. Lorenzo P. Marques – a friend and admirer who helped him to build up a wide clientele. He successfully o perated on his mother’s left eye so that she was able to read and write again. January 31, 1892 – writing to Blumentritt, he said :â€Å"Here I practise as a doctor and I have . . . Here many sick of influenza because there is an epidemic. Through the newspaper I am informed that this sickness is also causing ravages in Europe. I hope you and your esteemed family will be spared. In our house, my mother, my brother-in-law, and one of my sister are sick. Thank God, they are out of danger.†Rizal was given moral support and substantial aid in his medical practice in Hong Kong from some of his friends in Europe. Mr. Boustead (the father of Nelly Bousted)– wrote to him on March 21, 1892, praising him for his medical profession Dr. Ariston Bautista Lin – sent him a congratulatory letter and a book on Diagnostic Pathology by Dr. H. Virchow and another medical book entitled Traite Diagnostique by Mesnichock. Don Antonio Vergel de Dios – offered him his services for the purchase of medical books and instruments which he might need in his profession. Rizal possessed the qualities of a great ophthalmic surgeon. In the words of Dr. Geminiano de Ocampo, a distinguished Filipino ophthalmologist: â€Å"He had all the qualities that would make an ideal ophthalmic surgeon – a keen and analytical intellect, lightness of touch and artistry of a painter, courage and imperturbability, a broad and deep knowledge of medicine and ophthalmology, and last but not the least, he had been properly and adequately trained by master ophthalmic surgeons.†BORNEO COLONIZATION PROJECTRizal conceived the establishment of a Filipino colony in North Borneo (Sabah) He planned to move those Filipino families to that British-owned island and carve out of its virgin wilderness a â€Å"New Calamba†March 7, 1892 – he went to Sandakan on board the ship Menon to negotiate with the British authorities for the establishment of a Filipino colony. His mission was successful.The British Authorities of Borneo were willing to give the Filipino colonists, 100,000 acres of land, a beautiful harbor and a good government for 999 years, free of all charges. By April 20, he was back in Hong Kong.Rizal friends in Europe enthusiastically endorsed his Borneo colonization project. Lopez Jaena express his desire to join the project and wrote to Rizal saying:â€Å"I have a great desire of joining you. Reserve for me there a piece of land where I can plant sugarcane. I shall go there. . . to dedicate myself to the cultivation of sugarcane and the making of sugar. Send me further details.†Hidalgo, on the other hand, objected to the colonization project saying:â€Å"This idea about Borneo, is no good. Why should we leave the Philippines, this beautiful country of ours? And besides what will people say? Why have we made all these sacrifices? Why should we go to a foreign land without first exhausting all means for the welfare o f the country which nurtured us from our cradles? Tell me that!†The infamous Weyler, whom the Cubans called â€Å"The Butcher†was relieved of his gubernatorial office. A new governor general Eulogio Despujol, the Count of Caspe, announced to the Filipino people a fine program of government Rizal sent him a letter of felicitation (dated December 23, 1891) and offering his cooperation, but instead the governor did not even acknowledge receipt of his letter.Rizal wrote a second letter (dated March 21, 1892), in this second letter, he requested the governor general to permit the landless Filipinos to establish themselves in Borneo. Despujol, did not give Rizal the â€Å"courtesy of a reply†. Instead, he notified the Spanish consul general in Hong Kong to tell Rizal that he could not approve the Filipino immigration to Borneo, alleging that, â€Å"the Philippines lacked laborers†and â€Å"it was not very patriotic to go off and cultivate foreign soil†WRITINGS IN HONG KONGHe wrote â€Å"Ang Mga Karapatan Nang Tao†(a tagalog translation of â€Å"The Rights of Man†proclaimed by the French Revolution in 1789) About the same time (1891), he wrote â€Å"A la Nacion Espaà ±ola†(To the Spanish Nation), which is an appeal to Spain to right the wrongs done to the Calamba tenants. Another proclamation, entitled â€Å"Sa Mga Kababayan†(To my Countrymen) was written in December 1891 explaining the Calamba agrarian situation. Rizal contributed articles to the British daily newspaper, The Hong Kong Telegraph, whose editor, Mr. Frazier Smith, was his friend.March 2, 1892 – Rizal wrote â€Å"Una Visita a la Victoria Gaol†(A Visit to Victoria Gaol), an account of his visit to the colonial prison of Hong Kong. In this article he contrasted the cruel Spanish prison system with the modern and more humane prison system. He wrote an article entitled â€Å"Colonisation du British North Borneo, par de Familles de Iles Philippines†(Colonization of British north Borneo by families from the Philippine Islands) to elucidate his Borneo colonization project He elaborated on the same idea in another article in Spanish, â€Å"Proyecto de Colonizacion del British North Borneo por los Filipinos†(Project of the Colonization of British North Borneo by the Filipinos) June 1892 – he wrote â€Å"La Mano Roja†(The Red Hand) which denounces the frequent outbreaks of intentional fires in Manila. â€Å"Constitution of the Liga Filipina†– printed in 1892, was the most important writing made by Rizal during his Hong Kong sojourn To deceived the Spanish authorities, the printed copies carries the false information that the printing was done by the LONDON PRINTING PRESS, No. 25, Khulug Street, London. The idea of establishing the Liga Filipina was originally conceived by Jose Ma. Basa, but it was Rizal who wrote its constitution and realized its establishment .DECISION TO RETURN TO MANILAMay 1892 –Rizal made up his mind to return to Manila The decision was spurred by the following: 1.) To confer with Governor Despujol regarding his Borneo colonization project. 2.) To establish the Liga Filipina in Manila 3.) To prove that Eduardo de Lete was wrong in attacking him in Madrid that he being comfortable and safe in Hong Kong, had abandoned the country’s cause. Lete’s attack which was printed in La Solidaridad on April 15, 1892, portrayed Rizal as cowardly, egoistic, opportunistic – a patriot in words only. Rizal protested to Del Pilar saying:â€Å"I am more convinced that yourself to be carried away. Friend or enemy, if the article has harmed me, it would harm more the interests of the Philippines. Who knows, however, if after all it was for the best; it has shaken me awake, and long after a long silence I enter the field anew. .. I am going to activate the Propaganda again and fortify the Liga.†To Ponc e, Rizal confided on May 23, 1892:â€Å"I am very sorry that Del Pilar allowed the article to be published because it will lead many to believe that there is really a schism among us. I believe that we can well have little misunderstanding and personal differences among ourselves, without exhibiting them in public. . As for myself. . . I always welcome criticisms because they improve those who wish to be improved†LAST HONG KONG LETTERSOn June 19, 1892 he spent his 31st birthday in Hong Kong.Evidently, he had premonition of his death, for the following day, June 20 he wrote two letters which he sealed, inscribed in each envelop â€Å"to be opened after my death,†and gave them to his friend, Dr. Marques for safekeeping. The first letter was addressed TO MY PARENTS, BRETHREN, AND FRIENDS, is as follows:â€Å"The affection that I have ever professed for you suggests this step, and time alone can tell whether or not it is sensible. The outcome judges things according to t he consequences; but whether the result be favorable or unfavorable, it may always be said that duty urged me, so if I die in doing it, it will not matter.I realize how much suffering I have caused you yet I do not regret what I have done. Rather, if I had to begin over again I should do just the same, for what I have done has been only in pursuit of my duty. Gladly do I go to expose myself to peril, not as an expiation of misdeeds for in this matter I believe myself guiltless of any, but to complete my work and so that I, myself, may offer the examples of which I have always preached.A man ought to die for duty and his principles. I hold fast to every idea which I have advanced as to the condition and future of our country, and shall willingly die for it, and even more willingly sacrifice all to secure justice and peace for you. With pleasure, then, I risk life to save so many innocent persons – so many nieces and nephews, so many children of friends, and children too of oth ers who are not even friend – who are suffering on my account. What am I? A bachelor, practically without a family and sufficiently undeceived as to life. I have had many disappointments and the future before me is gloomy, and will be gloomy if light does not illuminate it with dawn of a better day for my native land.On the other hand, there are many persons, filled with hope and ambition, who perhaps might be happier if I were dead, and then I hope my enemies would be satisfied and stop persecuting so many entirely innocent people. To a certain extent their hatred is justifiable as to myself, and my parents and relatives. Should fate go against me, you will all understand that I shall die happy in the thought that my death will end all your troubles. Return to our country and may you be happy in it. Till the last moment of my life I shall be thinking of you and wishing you all good fortune and happiness.†The second letter was addressed TO THE FILIPINOS, and is as follo ws:â€Å"The step which I am taking, or rather am about to take, is undoubtedly risky, and it is unnecessary to say that I have considered it for some time. I understand that almost every one is opposed to it; but I know also that hardly anybody else understands what is in my heart. I cannot live on seeing so many suffer unjust persecution on my account; I cannot bear the sight of my sisters and their numerous families treated like criminals. I prefer death and cheerfully shall relinquish life to free so many innocent persons from such unjust persecution.I appreciate the fact that at present the future of our country gravitates in some degree around me, that at my death many will feel triumphant, and thus, many are now wishing for my fall. But what of it? I hold duties of conscience above all else. I have obligations to the families who suffer, to my aged parents whose sight strikes me to the heart; I know that I alone, only my death can make them happy, returning them to their native land to a peaceful life at home. I am all my parents have, but our country has many more sons who can take my place and even do my work better.Besides I wish to show those who deny us the boon of patriotism that we know how to die for duty and principles. What matters death, if one dies for what one loves, for native land and beings held dear?If I thought that I were the only resource for the consummation of a policy of progress in the Philippines and were I convinced that my countrymen were going to make use of my services, perhaps, I should hesitate about taking this step; but there are others who can take my place, who can do my services that are not utilize, and I am reduced to inactivity.Always have I loved our unhappy land, and I am sure that I shall continue loving it till my last moment, in case men prove unjust to me. My career, my life, my happiness – and all I have sacrificed for love of it. Whatever my fate I shall die blessing it and longing for the dawn o f its redemption.June 21, 1892 – Rizal penned another letter in HK for Governor Despujol. In this letter, he informed the governor general of his coming to Manila and placed himself under the protection of the Spanish government. June 21, 1892 – (On the same date) Rizal and his sister Lucia left HK for Manila. They carried a special passport or â€Å"safe-conduct†issued by the Spanish consul-general in Hong Kong.RIZAL FALLS INTO SPANISH TRAPThe Spanish consul-general sent a cablegram to Governor Despujol that the victim â€Å"is in the trap†. On the same day a secret case was filed in Manila against Rizal and his followers â€Å"for anti-religious and anti-patriotic agitation†Despujol ordered his secretary, Luis de la Torre, to find out if Rizal was naturalized as a German citizen, as was rumored, so that he might take proper action against on â€Å"who had the protection of a strong nation†Meanwhile, Rizal and his sister were peaceful ly crossing the China Sea. They were fully unaware of the Spanish duplicity.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Technology And Its Effect On Society - 1694 Words
Technological advances have certainly entered this era to facilitate people’s lives. There is no doubt that some new technology has been created to help operate or effectively manage time in a way that would be beneficial to humans. Technology significantly helps a number of people. A group that greatly benefits with the advances of technology is teenagers. Teens constantly use computers for schoolwork, networking, or knowing anything they want to know with a simple use of their fingertips. Furthermore, with the advances it is no longer needed to leave the household to run an errand such as going out to pay a bill or do some shopping. As technology advances and enters the life of mostly all humans many begin to question how healthy these technological advances truly are. A couple of decades ago kids spent their time outside playing with their friends by the same token with items that did not require the use of electricity. Kids and adolescents would dedicate at least a part of their day to reading books and gaining knowledge from there instead of social media. Distinctively today’s adolescents instead of reading books will go on the internet for a summary and inform themselves in less than 5 minutes, spent their time inside playing video games or on their cellphones allowing technology to be the only thing they know and rely on to have fun or be informed. Moreover, this guides us to the points Ray Bradbury makes in his novel Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury touches on severalShow MoreRelatedTechnology : The Effects Of Technology And Society1283 Words  | 6 Pages The effects of technology with society has beneficial impacted the way we live. With technology is providing many advantages, but also it has some disadvantages it has on children and adults. There is little room for people that wish to live without technology, moreover than living the way they did in the old days. Technology has its advantages, it’s has changed the way people have communicated by email, social media, the way traveling has improved. Have you ever heard the saying ‘Children are bornRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society871 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is technology? Is it the tool that propels humanity forward or is technology the cuffs that hold the everyday man from leaving his own comfort. Or is technology more than a tool, more than a mechanical device? Ray Bradbury s Works are known 4 expanding technology and using speculative fiction to reveal the way technology is consuming the everyday person. but what if Ray Bradbury was never talking about technology and its effect on society with society s effect on technology? It is assumedRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1386 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, etc. or it can be embedded in machines, computers , devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things. Technology has produced many positive contributions to society and how it has grownRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society Essay1239 Words  | 5 Pagesworld is increasing very rapidly, and new innovations are coming along each and everyday. Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry (Oxford). There is no denying that the impact of technology in the world today is huge, now technology has made it to the palm of our hands with the iPhone and continuing to expand. My generation has grown up on technology so I can’t imagine how my life would be with out it, older people may say it has ruined theRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society Essay1204 Words  | 5 Pagesthe world is increasing very rapidly, and new innovations are coming along each and everyday. Technology is the application o f scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. There is no denying that the impact of technology in the world today is huge, now technology has made it to the palm of our hands with the iPhone and continuing to expand. My generation has grown up on technology so I can’t imagine how my life would be with out it, older people may say it has ruined the livesRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1473 Words  | 6 Pageswould surmise that technology has an overwhelmingly negative effect on society. Although there might be consequences that stem from technology, these negative effects only bring about more good than they bring about evil. This good transforms the world in ways people may never be able to comprehend. Technology will always be the epitome of human intelligence and it is this fact that should allow us to not only understand that technology is not dangerous to us but that technology should enable theRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect O n Society1176 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology is the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization. (â€Å"Technology†) In addition, technology has become a basic necessity for people all around the world. Not only does technology have positive effects on how people function in the world, but it also has many negative effects. On a similar topic, technology has improved the way we live tremendously, but people have become extremely dependent on it, almost to the point to whereRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1396 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology on its own cannot be beneficial or detrimental to the cognitive ability and the human relationship. Its effect on society depends on how and when technology is used. Technology continues to interact with our human experience in some way or the other. It is profoundly reshaping how we live today and giving rise to new strand of lifestyle and custom. With the rise of technologies, we expect to gain from its advances in the field of communication, social interaction, research and developmentRead MoreTechnology And Its Effects On Society1372 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology Abuse Technology has rapidly increased over the past few years and has had a great impact on everyone in several ways. The impact of this applied science on people’s lifestyles has made several too dependent on technology. There needs to be a specific limit to technology that is reasonable but considerable for everyone. This new addiction is truly significant because this modern world of ours can have dangerous consequences that we are not aware of. In the past, many of the machines andRead MoreTechnology Effects On Society : Technology Essay1986 Words  | 8 PagesTechnologies Effects on Society We are all guilty of constantly looking down at our phones looking to fill the void of an awkward silence or just to make the time go by faster. We become oblivious to the notifications. We find ourselves scrolling through an endless list of emails, reminders, and checking the likes we get on our latest Instagram post. We become wrapped up and lose track of valuable time because we are so engrossed in things that should be of little importance to us. It is no secret
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Cloning Process Buccal Swabs Or Whole Blood Samples (...
Cloning Process Buccal swabs or whole blood samples (2-5ml) will be taken from a patient with Alzheimer’s disease. This will be transported to the lab immediately for RNA extraction. The ChargeSwitch gDNA/RNA technologies Purification Kits protocol will be used for the DNA extraction. A reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) procedure will be carried out using the designed primers for cDNA. The cDNA is obtained from the mRNA and not the genomic DNA. Derived cDNA will not be manipulated to obtain sticky ends, rather it will be blunt-ended. The expression vector will be picked and cut, using the restriction enzyme Sma1. The cohesive ends will then be ligated with the blunt-ended cDNA. This process will be efficient with the inclusion of Oligonucleotide and T4 ligase (Croy, 2000) (4). The vector DNA will then be amplified in Difco LB agar. This will involve incubating the sample for 3hours and checking the OD at 600nm after that time. After an OD of 0.4, it will be appropriate for the procedure. At this point we shall be having competent cells. Competent cells will be then thawed, split in samples of 100 ÃŽ ¼l plus 0.1 ÃŽ ¼l of plasmid, kept in ice for 40min and then at 42c for 30sec, by a process of heat shocking; which allows plasmids to transfer into the cell. The sample will be transfered to a 1ml LB media, put in a shaker at 37c and 300rpm for 20min The bacteria will then be distributed into plates with LB plus Ampicillin antibiotic and incubate at 37c for approx. 12hrs. Colonies
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